Thursday, October 04, 2012

The results are in....

So after a very disappointing experience I have a copy of the blood work  The analysis from the medical professional could take a couple of weeks. I have had a couple of people with medical backgrounds look it over and bottom line it is filled with a high white count, malnutrition and inflammation.

The most likely cause is damage from full blown Celiac's disease. That is my starting point. I don't know where else to go if not there. I have ordered supplements that should help with the nutritional absorption and will make the additional changes to my diet. I have committed to doing what I can to make my diet cleaner than it already is. I have also committed to taking control of exercise and getting back to it.

I am frustrated. This is literally an auto-immune condition where your body attacks itself. You don't "catch" it, your body reacts. Some say it is genetics, some say it is dietary but medical science does not know. There is no cure, this is a lifetime commitment that comes with increased risk of thyroid issues, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, joint pain and inflammation. Heart issues, skin issues and many others are a likelihood.

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